
Friday, September 19, 2014

A testimony to breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has countless benefits for both mommy and baby. Ever since going to the classes and educating myself on the subject, I knew that breastfeeding was the way to go for us. What I didn’t expect were the extra wonderful perks that, even though they are impossible to prove, logic tends to stand for.

My three year-old, Cameron, got sick. She kept sneezing and had a leaky nose for days. I have been terrified that my two-month old, Troy, was going to catch whatever she was carrying and was not going to be able to nurse well due to having a stuffy nose. I did not want him struggling or being hungry! We just went to the doctor for his two-month checkup and since we are a one-car family right now, going to the doctor again had become an incredibly hard task to accomplish. Luckily, I haven’t gotten sick at all, and Troy is as strong as ever. However both my husband and Cameron are still sneezing and filling up the house with Elsa Kleenex tissues!

I know my breast milk is supplementing Troy with my antibodies and although I have no way to prove my claim, and no medical background to stand for what I’m about to say; I will completely attribute Troy’s health to nursing! I have seen the same situation with my daughter. She was one of the healthiest little newborns I knew, and one of the few that was solely breastfed around our circle of friends. I found it hard to believe that a brand new baby boy could stand strong to this terrible bug, but he did, and amazingly well!

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